Kids Church (10:00am)

Before service at 10:00am, nursery and preschool-aged children can be taken to their classrooms and checked in there. Children ages 6-12 will accompany parents upstairs to the sanctuary and will be dismissed after music and prayer. 

Nursery Care for Infants - 3 years old

Sundays located in the Nursery downstairs. Doors open at 9:50 AM.

Leaders: Mary and Sandy

All of our Nursery volunteers have had a current background check completed. There are always two women in the Nursery.

Kids Church for Ages 3-5 Years

Sundays in Room 4 downstairs. 

Doors open at 9:50 AM. We spend time doing creative crafts, enjoying snacks together, and always include a teaching in God's Word.

Generations of Grace Lessons 2023-2024

Kids Church for Ages 6 - 12

Sundays in the Fellowship Hall located downstairs

They will be dismissed for Kids Church after music and prayer upstairs.

We spend time enjoying worship and learning about God's word.

Generations of Grace Lessons 2023-2024

Sunday School childcare (11:15am)

Childcare is provided for all ages during our 11:30 am Sunday School hour.

Children ages Newborn - 3 years old should be taken to the Nursery. All other ages meet in the Fellowship Hall. We offer lesson review, fun activity pages, and crafts for all ages.

Safety Policy

At Sequim Bible Church, anyone working with or around children is required to have a current background check which is updated yearly. We work closely with our security team to ensure that persons other than SBC Kids parents do not enter our SBC Kids wing. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Children's Ministry Coordinator, Rosalind Sylvester, for more information.